November Thanksgiving Day Activity
Thanksgiving Day Activity
It's been a year since Netvue Birdfy went live on Kickstarter last November. Thanks to all Birdfy users, your feeding means a lot to birds!

Netvue is launching the #Birdfydinner - Thanksgiving Dinner Competition for every nature lover to join in and share our love and appreciation for birds during this Thanksgiving month. Provide a hearty meal for birds to help them through the winter with Netvue Birdfy or your own bird feeder, and take photos to record special moments.
How to participate?
1. Prepare bird food with Netvue Birdfy feeder or your own feeder, and post photos or videos on your Facebook/Twitter/Ins/TikTok.
2. Post with the tags #BirdfyDinner #ThanksgivingDinner #NetvueBirdfy, and @netvue official account.
3. Follow us.
(e.g., I prepare a big dinner for my backyard birds. @Netvue #BirdfyDinner #ThanksgivingDinner #NetvueBirdfy)
Awards and Bonuses
Best Creative Award - 1 person
Participation Award - Up to 20 people
*Award-winners will be selected by Netvue.

The more participants, the bigger the bonus! Come and join us!!!